Product list

【将軍三色】Shogun Sanshoku Real long fin
Shogun Sanshoku is our original brand of tri-colored medaka. This stunning medaka, representative of Japan, features blue iridescence, a tri-colored pattern, and long fins (real long fin).

Dragon phoenix【竜章鳳姿】King of Medaka
Dragon phoenix is the most popular killifish in Japan. It is called the king of Medaka, and is extremely rare and traded at a high price.

About Keeping Medaka Fish
Medaka Egg Management, Fry (Juvenile Fish) Breeding, and Spawning
Medaka Egg Management, Fry (Juvenile Fish) Breeding, and Spawning

How to keep medaka eggs
About Medaka Fish Egg Management, Fry (Juvenile Fish) Breeding, and Spawning

About Tri Color Medaka (Sankyo Rame): Breeding Methods and Characteristics

About Cobra Medaka: Breeding, Characteristics, and Reproduction

How to Create Dragon Blue Medaka: Price, Characteristics, Fixation Rate, and Where to Buy

Comprehensive Guide to Medaka Care: Tips and Best Practices

Characteristics, Breeding, and Pricing of the Yozakura(夜桜) Medaka